
The purpose of the information provided on this site is to inform and educate. None of the content on the site indicates a commitment to lend, and is for informational purposes only. All the information is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge, and we make every attempt to ensure all the details and facts are correct. Rules and regulations within the lending industry change rapidly, despite our best efforts, we can’t promise or guarantee completeness or the accuracy of details contained on the site.

We might, at any time, and without prior notice, remove, change, alter, add, or otherwise update any of the information contained on the site. Point Equity Residential Lending and all employees and subsidiaries of Point Equity Residential Lending can in no way be held responsible for damages or loss that occurred as a result of any information obtained on the site, either direct or indirect, regardless of the degree of consequence.

We don’t endorse third party links or references to other sites, and any reference to another business, site, product, or other external party does not indicate or otherwise constitute any type of partnership or approval on the part of Point Equity Residential Lending or any of its employees or subsidiaries. Every effort is made to provide accurate references and links, but Point Equity Residential Lending cannot be held liable for any damages or misinformation obtained from third party links on our site.

We do not control or operate policies, practices, or any other links associated with external website links from our site, and will not be responsible for actions taken or losses sustained from actions with other parties that originated from our site. Linked and referenced websites are not operated, controlled, or maintained by Point Equity Residential Lending, and Point Equity Residential Lending is not responsible for the availability, content, policies, or practices of linked or referenced websites. We provide references and links to external sources as an courtesy, and visitors following these links do so at their own risk.

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If you have questions or are interested in more information about how we protect your privacy, please contact us. We are happy to address any concerns you may have.

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Know more.

Empower yourself with knowledge to make smart decisions. These helpful tools and resources will help you enjoy the process of getting a home loan, and feel
confident in your financing choices. 

Buying in 2025 - Some Things to Know if You Plan ...

If you’re considering buying a home in 2025, understanding the market landscape can help you make ...

Purchase, Dream Home, Mortgage Rates, 2025, buying, first time home buyer, mortgage market | 4 MIN READ

Moving Mattresses - The Best Moving Solutions For ...

Moving is a significant task that can range from exciting to stressful. Whether relocating across ...

Moving, Truck Rental, Hire Help, DIY | 5 MIN READ

Mortgage Processor vs. Underwriter: Understanding ...

In the world of home loans, most people are familiar with loan officers and perhaps even mortgage ...

Mortgage, Underwriting, Processor, Loan Approval | 3 MIN READ

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(916) 248-4620